Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This was our second Christmas with our Jacob boy - but the first Christmas he (sort of) knew what was going on.
Unfortunately the poor guy had just got his one year shots just 2 days prior so he was really not in the mood for.... well... anything. So this year - mommy wrapped them, mommy opened them. He would come over and check things out then go back and play with toys he already had. It took about an hour to get through the gifts at that pace.
His favorite gift of the day was his ball pit. He climbed in, then Billy poured the balls on top of him and he went crazy. It was really cute.
Hope you enjoy the pictures below.

Our tree and Jacob's gifts.

School bus with mega blocks! He likes the driver.

Mommy tried on Jacob's Yogabbagabba hat for size.

Jacob loves books and got a lot of them for Christmas.

Jacob - Noah's Ark is not a SHOE!

Nice Noah.

Quick - take the picture before he rips it off!

Mmmmm Lamb.

Mmmmm Noah.

Mmmmmm Giraffe.

Deep in thought.

Swim! Swim! Swim!

Jacob's band.

Jacob did not bangon the drum, he stirred it with the stick.

He started to get the hang of opening the presents at the end. I am sure next year, he will master it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Back Home to West Virginia

I know, it took forever for me to get these pictures on...
I am a bit out of control with the pictures and it took me a while to sort through the 668 photos and choose a few for the site.
Jacob and I were home for two and a half weeks. I know... after the last trip, I said that two weeks would be the longest I could stay and I would not do it without Billy, but I really want Jacob to know his family... so...
My sweet husband flew out with us to help me on the plane, then flew right back home. When it was time for us to come home, he flew back out and picked up. What a guy!
We had unseasonably cold weather while I was home. We were snowed in a few days. Jacob was missing his daily walk and mommy was getting cabin fever! Our next trip will be in the SUMMER!

Oh the SNOW!

With the Fam

I tried to get a picture of Jacob with all of the family he visited. I missed Bobby and Jacki

Next time you will not escape my camera.

Fun at MawMaw and PawPaw's

Fun at Great Grandma and Grandpas

Thanksgiving with my Mom, Grandma &Grandpa

Thanksgiving with my Dad, StepMom & Billy

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jacob's First Birthday Party

Jacob will turn one year old on December 19th. I can't believe it! I must say I did tear up a bit when I was putting up the decorations. It seems like yesterday I was coming home from the hospital wondering what the heck I was supposed to do next. We had a great time sharing his special day with close friends. Thanks so much to everyone that came!!!
(And thanks to Cara for being our photographer!)

Below are a few pictures I thought you would enjoy.

Jacob did not much enjoy the frosting, but he did enjoy the cake itself.

Below are my two favorite pictures of the day!
Other random cute picts...

The Decorations

The Presents!