Monday, June 29, 2009

Buzzards and Weasels and Bears - OH MY!

We are home from our big trip to West Virginia. We had a great time with the family.
As always, there did not seem to be enough time. Billy was on-call and had to work while we were there. He stayed in a hotel most of the time. I would take Jacob by once a day for his visit. Jacob knew where we were when we got off of the exit and would scream "DADAAAAA".
I took 763 photos. I will spare you about 700 of them and stick with me "few" favorites.
Oh - I should explain the title of this post. You expect to see wildlife in West Virginia... and I did see the usual deer, turkey, squirrels, groundhogs, rabbits, snakes and so on... but I had never seen a buzzard, a weasel, or a bear!!! I only have pictures of the bear... that visited just outside my bedroom window!!!


The bear was interested in the deer food just outside my bedroom window. My dad opened the window and yelled at him to go away. The bear kind of looked at him like... "um... I am a bear".

Jacob chased bugs and rabbits all over the place! He had never seen a butterfly or a rabbit before. One of his favorite things to do at the park here is to catch snails. Here are a few pictures of him and the "wildlife" at his fingertips.

Fun at Great Grandma and Grandpas

Below are a few of my favorite pictures of our visits with my Grandma and Grandpa. Their house is a central place for us to meet with all of the family at the same time.
Some of the highlights for me was just being there... I really miss that! We had a great cook out at my Aunt Jill and Uncle Terry's (right next door). Jacob kept Grandma's tomato plant well watered (sorry grandma, hope it is still alive!).

Fun at MawMaw and PawPaw's

We stayed at my Dad and Step Mom's house again. Ruth does such a great job of Jacob-proofing everything. Our stay is most comfortable! Jacob had a great time running all over the place and chasing the bunnies. It is hard to determine who has a better time... my dad or Jacob.

4-Wheelin' with my Dad

It has been a while since I have been on a 4-wheeler. I needed a little refresher. My dad took me all around his property (about 125 acres). We went down a "state road" which required a chainsaw to get through to a really pretty waterfall. I might mention in the picture of me standing in front of the water fall... my dad had just informed me that there was a snake behind me. He did not mention that he thought it was a copperhead until we got home!! We had to run through the creek to get back to the street. Glad to know not all of the country in me is gone.

Bubble Bath

My Dad (PawPaw) was in charge of the bath every night. Jacob really enjoyed himself. The highlight of bathtime was when MawMaw brought out the bubbles.