Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This is my favorite picture from April.
It was taken on 4-19 (his 4 month birthday).
Can you tell that I had already taken 125 (literally) pictures and he had had quite enough!?!

Every night at 5:30, Jacob gets a bath. A 30-minute bath (and not a second shorter!). He gets a big boy towel and a wash cloth for a hat and likes to look at himself in the mirror while wearing it. He is such a crack up!

Jacob wakes up smiling every morning! He plays for about 30 minutes, then he lets you know it is time to get him out! You always get a big smile and warm welcome when you come to get him though!

Giddy Up!
Our cat hates EVERYONE! (except for me and Billy) We are still trying to figure out why he likes Jacob. He even lets him pull her hair out. We are just glad they actually get along.

Daddy pulled his blocks out of the toybox for the first time and he really likes them!

Jacob and his best buddy the Sock Monkey are keeping an eye on the kitty (you can see her in the corner behind the chair). They are both at a safe distance!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Jacob's First Trip to the Beach

It was a toasty 86 degrees today so we decided to take a stroll along the beach!

Jacob is wearing his new hat to keep the sun out of his eyes.

Jacob let Daddy borrow his hat since the sun was so bright. He already shares!

Billy is not so much a beach person... He is happy just walking along the nice concrete sidewalk and enjoying the view from a distance.

The water was quite cold, but he seemed to enjoy it. He loves water. Any kind of water! We can not walk past the water faucet in the bathroom without him reaching for it. You have to dangle his feet over the edge and let him play in the water with his hands.

He wants to be so independent! He likes to stand on his own. He wants as little help from you as possible! He is like this with everything... Holding his bottle, sitting up and trying to stand.

In our short 30 minute trip, we were managed to get sand in places you could only imagine. Jacob didn't even know those kind of places existed until today : ).

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jacob Turns 4 Months Old!

April 19th, 2008
Jacob turned 4 months old today!

He has quite the grip on Daddy's hand!

His Auntie Cara got him this cute outfit!

Just hanging out...

Just checking out the light fixtures!

Quality time with Daddy!