Monday, June 30, 2008

6-1-08 Daddy is trying to get me to cuddle up on the couch...
I don't think so!

6-2-08 Sometimes it is nice to curl up with a good book... Literally.

6-3-08 I love it when Daddy puts me on his shoulders!

6-4-08 Daddy bought me some new toys with my Playstation. I was bored with the old ones.

6-5-08 Daddy took me for a ride in my new green car.

6-6-08 SUCCESS!!

6-7-08 5 ball - corner pocket!

6-8-08 EEEK!

6-9-08 Check out my new coat. Thanks MawMaw and PawPaw!

6-10-08 Let's change the channel - shall we?

6-11-08 Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit.

6-12-08 Let's see what Daddy keeps in this drawer...

6-13-08 Look what I can do!

6-14-08 Soooo tired from my friend Isabella's birthday party.

6-15-08 Mommy and Daddy think it is nap time. I don't think so!

6-16-08 Just hanging out, playing - fighting nap time.

6-17-08 Ahhh, nice nap - so refreshed.

6-18-08 Look what I figured out today! Whatcha got in here Mommy?

6-19-08 I fell asleep sitting up today.

6-20-08 I made it to the wood floor today!

6-21-08 This is my big-boy restaurant chair.

6-22-08 My first trip to the toy store! It was everything I imagined it to be. (check out my new flops)

6-23-08 Night Night (this is how I fell asleep)

6-24-08 Do I have something on my face?

6-25-08 Aaahhhhhh.....

6-26-07 TaDah

6-27-08 Not this again!

6-28-08 Do you do the Dew?

6-29-08 Let's go for a walk.

6-30-08 Look how good I can stand up now! I do this every chance I get... On furniture, the crib and Mommy!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jacob had his 6 month check up today!
The Dr. was very impressed with his skills and said that he is very advanced for his age.
He showed her how "active" he was. She barely got to check his heart and ears. He grabbed all of her tools. Maybe he was trying to show her how to use them?!?
He weighs 17lbs 2oz (50th percentile).
He is 27 1/4 inches long (80th percentile).
The picture above pretty much sums up his visit.
Below are a few more for ya.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jacob's First Trip to the Toy Store!

Today we took Jacob to the toy store for the first time.
His eyes said "where has this place been all of my life".
This is only his 2nd time sitting in the buggy like a big boy. He really likes it.
I love that he is old enough for us to hold toys up and let him choose what he really likes. Of course we could not leave empty handed. We picked up a Christmas present - that's right... a Christmas present in June - and a talking phone that Jacob fell in love with.
(check out those flip flops)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jacob is 1/2 year old today!

Jacob turned 6 months old today.
He learned so much this past month...
He is crawling, standing on his knees, standing on his feet (for a small period of time), when he is not trying to move all over the place - he can sit up on his own and he has finally cut 2 teeth. He has recently "found his voice" and enjoys screaming to the top of his lungs with joy. On Father's Day, we had to leave a restaurant because he did that to everyone that walked by!
We have a Dr. appointment on the 25th and I can't wait to find out how much this boy weighs. According to our scale, he is 17.5lbs. My body feels it!
We have tried some baby food. At this point he is not too interested, but we try it every day. He does seem to like green beans, peas and very diluted baby apple juice - oh yeah - and he drinks the juice from a sippy cup!
Below are a few pictures from his special day.
(I don't care what Daddy says, this does count as a birthday!)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Look what I can do!

A few days ago, I was looking for Jacob on our baby monitor and did not see him. A few seconds later, I saw a little head bobbing in and out of camera range.
Then... tiimmmmbeerrrrr.... He came crashing down. He laid there for a few seconds wondering what the heck just happened and then went about his playing.
In the last few days he has mastered this skill. OK - he has not quite got it mastered, but he is doing much better. He loves to climb up the bumper and look over the edge now. I feel like he is growing up so fast!