Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jacob's First Hair Cut

Well... it is that time already. Time to cut my boy's fine baby locks. His hair is getting a little long covering the top of his ears and hanging over his collar. He looked like such a big boy when he was finished. He got to sit in this chrome Ferrari and watch a movie during the cut. He was a very good boy - well - that is... once he had his very own comb to hang on to. The place we went gave us a cute certificate that read:
This is a real official piece of paper saying that I, Jacob was real brave and didn't scream or fuss too much when they took me to this place, covered me up with a sheet thing and cut my hair! As of 11-18-08, I am a BIG KID.
They placed a locket of his hair in a pouch in the certificate. Of course, it is framed and hanging on the wall!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Our friend Amber scored free Legoland tickets through her company and invited us! I had been wanting to take Jacob, but was worried he would not be old enough to enjoy it. Turns out - he LOVED it! It was November, so it was not very crowded. Jacob got to get out of the stroller and walk around. He really liked the Lego people. Below are a few pictures I thought you would enjoy.