Sunday, March 30, 2008

March Pictures

I take one picture a day to post on-line so that family can see. This picture and the two below are my favorites from March!
(I will spare you the other 28!)

He looks like such a big boy in this picture!!

Daddy - I mean the Tickle Monster - was after him! The boy laughed so hard!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!

What do you think of my Easter hat?

Daddy and Jacob in our back yard.

Mommy and Jacob in the back yard by the Lemon Trees.

Yep! This sums him up. Daddy is so silly!

Jacob gives me a smooch!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jacob Turns Three Months Old

Jacob turned 3 months old today. He has grown so much this month! He is rolling over, grabbing toys, reaching for toys and his giggle is turning into a laugh.

I think these are 3 of Jacob's favorite things.
1. He is sitting up on his own in his big-boy chair.
2. He is with his best friend the Sock Monkey.
3. He is looking at the cutest thing he has ever seen. (the boy can't pass up a mirror!)

We call this move the bulldozer. He puts his head down and pushes with his feet. He is able to move allthe way across the bed this way.

Where did everyone go?

Now that Jacob is grabbing toys, he likes to put them on his face... And leave them there ? ? ? I don't know - he is silly!

OK - I had to post this picture. Billy thinks I am horrible for laughing at my boy - but look at this picture... It is heeeelarious!

Tummy time in Mommy and Daddy's room!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bath Time = Play Time!

Bath time got a little wild tonight!

I think someone spiked Jacob's baba with Dr. Pepper tonight!

We had water spashes as high as the light fixtures! Good thing Daddy was close by with the wiping cloth! (Water spots make him crazy : )

He just can't seem to keep that leg under control!

The bigger the splash - the bigger the laugh!

He was a little maniac!

I am not sure who had the most fun at bath time - or who wore who out, but 30 minutes later... It was bedtime for all!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jacob's Trip to Meet the Family

Once Jacob was old enough, we could not wait to take him home to meet his family!
February 2008, we hopped on a plane and flew to Washington DC before driving into West Virginia.

We learned a lot of lessons flying for the first time with a baby.
Number one: (and probably most important)... There is no need to pack everything the baby owns.
Number two: (probably equally as important)... No amount of wipes that will fit into a diaper bag can clean up an explosive poop in the tiny little airplane bathroom!!!
Number three: Two hours is your maximum time limit in a packed car with a 2 month old!

First stop was Washington DC where we met up with Chris, Rhoda, Ryan and Zoey. (Billy's Brother and family).
(Uncle Chris and Jacob)

Jacob really warmed up to Rhoda.

(Aunt Rhoda and Jacob)

Ryan did so well with Jacob. Even though Jacob was not being cooperative!

(Cousin Ryan and Jacob)

Zoey did not have much of an interest in holding a squirmy little baby, but she did get to spend some quality time with Uncle Bill.
(Cousin Zoey and Uncle Bill)

We got to spend a bit of time at Aunt Terry's house. We really enjoyed just relaxing! Not to mention she is a fabulous cook!
(Aunt Terry and Jacob)

While we were home, we got to visit Billy's Uncle Jamie and family. Aunt Becky cooked a fabulous meal for us! (I am still waiting for the mac-n-cheese recipe!)

(Aunt Becky and Jacob)

Uncle George treated us to the best BBQ chicken I think I have ever had! (and he grilled it in freezing weather!)

(Uncle George and Jacob)

Uncle Jamie treated us to the Cracker Barrel. My FAVORITE place to eat!

(Uncle Jamie and Jacob)

Jacob absolutely loved Lindsey! Although you would not know it from this picture (it was his bedtime).

(Lindsey and Jacob)

My Mom was very proud!
(Grandma and Jacob)

I really enjoyed watching my Grandma with Jacob. He really seemed to connect with her!
(Great Grandma and Great Grandpa)

My Grandpa's face lit up when he met his new Great Grandson. It was nice to see a smile on his face!

(Great Grandpa, Great Grandma and Jacob)

My Uncle Terry loves children! Jacob loved Uncle Terry! I hope they get the chance to spend some time together while Jacob is growing up!

(Great Uncle Terry and Jacob)

Aunt Jill is always a little kids favorite!

(Great Aunt Jill and Jacob)

I was so sad that we did not get to spend more time with my cousin Samantha. Over the past few years, we have grown very close. So... even though Sam is Jacob's cousin. We call her Aunt Sam. Well... Daddy calls her Uncle Sam!
(Aunt - I mean Uncle Sam and Jacob)

Bobby and Jacki holding Jacob - well Jacki holding Jacob. Bobby treated him like he was an atomic bomb! Maybe he will be more comfortable with him when he is older : ).

(Cousins Jacki and Bobby with Jacob)

Dad and Ruth were so happy to see Jacob again!
(PawPaw and MawMaw and Jacob)

Ruth kept us very well fed and Jacob full of cuddles while we were home.

(MawMaw and Jacob)

Dad bought Jacob this outfit. It (of course) has a little orange deer on it)

(PawPaw and Jacob)

Grandma enjoyed visiting Jacob. She has had lots of practice holding little ones!

(Great Grandma Lilly and Jacob)

Here is a picture of Daddy and Jacob in their white Ts. This was taken in our hotel room that we called home for 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS in a hotel room with a 2 month old baby!

I could not resist posting this picture! Even though we were in WV, Billy was not able to take vacation. He worked all night long (and fed Jacob) and ran around with me many of the days. Sometimes you just have to crash. And sometimes... you have to snuggle with a sock monkey!