Monday, June 29, 2009

Buzzards and Weasels and Bears - OH MY!

We are home from our big trip to West Virginia. We had a great time with the family.
As always, there did not seem to be enough time. Billy was on-call and had to work while we were there. He stayed in a hotel most of the time. I would take Jacob by once a day for his visit. Jacob knew where we were when we got off of the exit and would scream "DADAAAAA".
I took 763 photos. I will spare you about 700 of them and stick with me "few" favorites.
Oh - I should explain the title of this post. You expect to see wildlife in West Virginia... and I did see the usual deer, turkey, squirrels, groundhogs, rabbits, snakes and so on... but I had never seen a buzzard, a weasel, or a bear!!! I only have pictures of the bear... that visited just outside my bedroom window!!!

1 comment:

The Jacksons said...

Really great pictures...I love seeing the joy on your dad's face